Kids in the Monument - Fourth Grade

In the spring of 2016, Rivers & Birds began taking part in the nationwide Every Kid in a Park initiative to celebrate the 100th anniversary of America's national parks and monuments. With local community support, Rivers & Birds took over 200 underserved fourth grade students onto the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument for a day hike into the Rio Grande Gorge with Wild Earth Llama Adventures, a float on the Rio Grande guided by Los Rios River Runners, and a lesson on live birds of prey with Santa Fe Raptor Center. This was a huge success! We are grateful to our program partners including the wonderful Taos BLM staff.

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A surprising number of teachers and parents who have lived near Rio Grande del Norte for decades have told us that they had never been on the monument's trail system before joining Rivers & Birds’ trips.

One father, a veteran of the Iraq war, confided that the time he spent outdoors in nature was the most healing for his PTSD. He had never been to Wild Rivers and spoke about taking his whole family camping there in the future.

Overall, approximately 40 volunteers participate in this event, including parents, community members, Taos Archaeological Society members, BLM staff, and Rivers & Birds' Board.

In addition, members of the Taos Pueblo WarChief’s Office chaperone the Taos Pueblo Day School students on their field days!